General. This is a Summary of Material Modifications regarding the Local 78 Legal Services Plan Summary Plan Description (the “SPD”). This Summary of Material Modifications supplements the SPD previously provided to you. You should retain this document with your copy of the SPD.
Summary Description of Modification. The Board of Trustees of the Local 78 Legal Services Plan announces the following change to the Plan, effective January 1, 2022.
1. The spouse and children of an Eligible Member will be eligible for immigration and naturalization services.
2. The total number of hours for immigration and naturalization services for an Eligible Member will increase from 8 to 25 total hours per year. The 25 hour total will be applied to any open immigration matter or matters on behalf of (1) the Eligible Member, (2) the Eligible Member’s spouse, (3) the Eligible Member’s child -or a combination thereof -but in no way will the total hours covered under the Plan for an Eligible Member, across all open immigration and naturalization matters, exceed 25 total hours in a year.
Pawel Gruchacz, Director/Trustee
Joel Burgos, Trustee
Jan Sanislo, Trnstee