Summary Description of Modification.
The Board of Trustees of the Local 78 Legal Services Plan announces the following changes to the Plan, effective January 1, 2024.
- Eligibility for legal services has been modified.
Currently, if you are a member in good standing of Local 78 and your dues are paid up-to-date, you are eligible to participate in the Plan for the period January 1 through December 31 if you worked at least five hundred (500) hours during the immediately preceding November 1 through October 31.
Under the new rules, a dues paying member in good standing who works at least two hundred fifty (250) hours in a six-month eligibility period is entitled to six (6) months of coverage during the next coverage period. With this change, if you work the necessary hours in the earlier part of the year, you will not have to wait until January to become eligible for legal services.
The new rules are explained in the following table:
- As an Eligible Member, unless otherwise prohibited by SPD, you are entitled to a limited consultation with a lawyer for any legal matter – even if your legal matter is not covered under the Plan. The limit per consultation will increase from two (2) to four (4) total hours.