LiUNA Local 78 Asbestos, Lead & Hazardous Waste Handlers|212.227.4803


Additional Pension Payment

Dear Pensioner/Beneficiary: On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Mason Tenders' District Council Pension Fund, we are pleased to inform you that an additional benefit check in the amount of $1,100 has been granted to all pensioners and beneficiaries (including surviving spouses) that are in pay status in the month of December 2021. If you receive your monthly pension payment by check, the check is enclosed with this [...]

December 1st, 2021|News, Trust Funds|

Final Decision of LIUNA Special Hearings Panel Regarding Election Protest at Local Union 78

Brothers and Sisters: On September 17, we received the final decision from the LIUNA Special Hearings Panel regarding the Election Protest at Local 78. The decision was reviewed and approved by the General President in accordance with the International Union Constitution, Article VIII, §2 (a-vii). The entire decision can be read by CLICKING HERE or by clicking on the thumbnail below. A brief summary of the decision follows: "Following a [...]

September 21st, 2021|Deputy Director Updates, News|

Join Us at the Annual Labor Mass & Banner Procession Sept. 8

Brothers and Sisters, please join us this Wednesday, September 8 at St. Patrick's Cathedral for the annual Labor Mass and Banner Procession. The banner procession will begin promptly at 3:30 PM The Labor Mass will begin promptly at 4 PM. For more information, call 212-604-9552. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating the dignity of the worker together.

September 2nd, 2021|News|

Local 78 Executive Board Sworn In

Local 78 elections are now finalized and Pawel Gruchacz and the entire 78 Unity Slate have won. At a packed in-person union meeting on July 27, 2021, in Queens, NY the new officers were sworn in. LiUNA Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager Raymond M. Pocino attended the meeting and administered the oath to all new officers. Pawel Gruchacz Business Manager Joel Burgos Secretary-Treasurer Jan Sanislo President Michael Gomez Vice President [...]

August 3rd, 2021|News|

Juramento de la Junta Directiva de Local 78

Las elecciones de Local 78 han concluido y Pawel Gruchacz, así como 78 Unity Slate han ganado. El 27 de julio de 2021, durante una reunión sindical que se llevó a cabo en Queens, Nueva York, de manera presencial, los nuevos funcionarios prestaron juramento. El vicepresidente de LiUNA y gerente regional del este, Raymond M. Pocino, asistió a la reunión y dirigió el juramento para todos los nuevos funcionarios. [...]

August 3rd, 2021|Noticias|

Zarząd Local 78 został zaprzysiężony

Wybory Local 78, w których zwyciężył Paweł Gruchacz wraz z 78 Unity Slate, właśnie się zakończyły. Podczas stacjonarnego zebrania związku 27 lipca w Queens, w Nowym Jorku, zaprzysięgnięto nowych członków zarządu. W spotkaniu wziął udział wiceprezes oraz menedżer na region wschodni związku zawodowego LiUNA, Raymond M. Pocino, który odebrał przysięgę od nowych członków zarządu. Pawel Gruchacz Business Manager Joel Burgos Sekretarz-Skarbnik Jan Sanislo Prezes Michael Gomez Wiceprezes Fabian Derewiecki [...]

August 3rd, 2021|Aktualności|

Члены Исполнительного севета Local 78 приведены к присяге

В Local 78 завершились выборы, в результате которых победили Pawel Gruchacz и кандидаты 78 Unity. 27 июля 2021 года на очном собрании профсоюза в Квинсе, штат Нью-Йорк, где присутствовало большое количество участников, новые должностные лица были приведены к присяге. Процессом руководил Вице-президент LiUNA и Управляющий Восточным регионом Raymond M. Pocino. Pawel Gruchacz Коммерческий директор Joel Burgos Финансовый директор Jan Sanislo Президент Michael Gomez Вице-президент Fabian Derewiecki Секретарь-регистратор Anstro Cabrera [...]

August 3rd, 2021|Без категории|

Local 78 June 2021 Virtual Membership Meeting

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Due to COVID-19 concerns, we are continuing to hold our monthly membership meetings virtually. Our June 29, 2021 regular membership meeting will be held virtually via Zoom video conferencing, beginning at 5 PM. In accordance with LIUNA by-laws, we must confirm that all meeting participants are members in good standing with the Local. ⚠️ ALL MEMBERS WISHING TO ATTEND THE MEETING MUST REGISTER BY 3 PM ON JUN. [...]

June 26th, 2021|News|

Local 78 Stands with Staten Island DA McMahon

The Mason Tenders District Council Political Action Committee (MTDC PAC) and Local 78 stand together with Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon.

June 9th, 2021|News|

May 2021 Dues Payment Extension

⚠️ ATTENTION Local 78 Members:   Due to Memorial Day observances, our May 2021 dues payment deadline will be EXTENDED until Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

May 20th, 2021|News|


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